San Juan Sacatepequez, named after Saint John the Baptist, is a town which has an everyday and a ceremonial garment. This elaborate three panelled ceremonial Huipil, is woven on a back strap loom with 4 selvedge ends. This huipil is woven with the cordoned white back ground and purple and red brocaded designs. The neckline is cut out decorated with a hand embroidered finishing. Each of the panels is nicely brocaded with designs; in the centre section as well over the shoulder part showing zoomorphic designs as double headed eagles, deer, birds and feather serpent.
Age: Approximately woven in the 1960’s
Ethnic Group: Kakchiquel
Origin: San Juan Sacatepequez, Guatemala
Materials: Cotton
Use: Ceremonial Huipil
Technique: Woven on a back strap loom
Size: Approximately 50" x 24"