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Masks of Traditional Guatemalan Dances Vol. I & II

Masks of Traditional Guatemalan Dances Vol. I & II

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  • Masks of Traditional Guatemalan Dances Vol. I & II
  • Masks of Traditional Guatemalan Dances Vol. I & II
  • Masks of Traditional Guatemalan Dances Vol. I & II
  • Masks of Traditional Guatemalan Dances Vol. I & II
  • Masks of Traditional Guatemalan Dances Vol. I & II
  • Masks of Traditional Guatemalan Dances Vol. I & II
  • Masks of Traditional Guatemalan Dances Vol. I & II
  • Masks of Traditional Guatemalan Dances Vol. I & II

This is the ultimate comprehensive survey of Guatemalan Masks ever assembled and the most accurate and serious exploration of the subject. The two volume book examine into the history, traditions and artistry behind the creation of these extraordinary objects and places them into the historical and cultural context of Guatemalan Life and Idiosyncrasy. The two books (Volume I and II) are a unique, high quality visual document with 651 pages of full color photographs of rare ceremonies, dance scripts and profound investigation made over many years by Dr. Joel Brown and Gio Rosiilli; both enormous connoisseurs of the subject. Please notice that the price includes FREE FedEx Shipping.

Special Note: the books are printed when the order is received. Please allow a 5 working day period for the pacckage to be mailed.

Age: Published in 2009
Ethnic Group: does not apply
Origin: USA
Materials: soft cover
Use: Book
Technique: self published book
Size: Approximately 650 colorful pages; 9” x 11”
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